Mining with Ar(t)chivist Jenny Odell

The Bureau of Suspended Objects in Jenny Odell's studio at Recology. Recently, The Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM) made the trek out to the San Francisco dump (for art’s sake of course). At the Recology Artist in Residence (AiR) Program , we chatted with artist, archivist, and internet (and now dump) miner Jenny Odell about her AiR project— The Bureau of Suspended Objects , the line between utility and trash, and how this experience might influence future projects. And, in case you’re left wondering what’s next for Odell, she's participating in The CJM's ongoing installation series, In That Case: Havruta in Contemporary Art , collaborating with window dresser Philip Buscemi. _________________________________________________________________________________ The ar(t)chivist's desk. Stephanie Smith (SS): Tell us about the Recology Artist in Residence Program and the project you’re currently working on. Jenny Od...